For a more intimate relationship, Be friends!

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It's February, the month of love!

In an article published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, researchers found that couples who value their friendship over other aspects of their relationships report greater romance and sexual satisfaction over couples who don't.

Friendship and quality time together are in the top 20 factors couples themselves have said are important to their relationship success. 

When a couple in distress comes looking for help, some of the complaints I often hear are: 

  • "She never supports me."

  • "He doesn't want to spend time with me."

  • "She doesn't understand me."

  • "He never really listens when I talk to him."

  • "I don't even think he likes me."

  • "She is always complaining."

If you think about it, all these statements are really the opposite of what you find in friendship.

How was it at the beginning of your relationship?

Most likely you told each other everything, in detail!

You freely gave your time, energy and attention. You rarely criticized. You were generous with your praise. You were supportive.

If your relationship has gotten off track and you realize you aren't being the best friend you could be to your partner, change that now!

Start performing acts of kindness, be accepting, listen carefully, be positive. Be a good friend!

Start today and as a result, your relationship will improve dramatically.

Put the friendship back in your relationship now!


If you are struggling in your relationship, Claim a free 1/2 hour Couples Strategy Session with me.

Schedule your FREE call HERE

Ada GonzalezComment