Instead of feeling angry and disconnected,

Become Passionate

Lovers Again


Relationship Coaching

Ada Gonzalez, Ph.D., LMFT

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Relationship Rescue For High Achieving Couples!

Reclaim your marriage and become passionate lovers again

Neglecting anything destroys it. A car. Your health. Your happiness. Your relationships. . .

Big or small negative and hurtful words will kill your relationship.

Small positive actions and words, done regularly, will transform your marriage into a GREAT happy one.

As an expert Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist I help couples become more aware of their challenges and potential problems and will create together a clear plan to avoid mistakes that many high-achieving couples make.

With my help you can go from stress, negativity, and conflict to rekindling a connected & highly successful relationship.  


I’m Dr. Ada Gonzalez, a Relationship and Transformation Expert with a Ph.D. and am licensed as a marriage and family therapist. For more than 30 years I have been helping hurting couples. I offer my 6-components ReIgnite System: Rekindle Your Passion Blueprint for high-achieving couples, so that they can go from conflicts and disconnection to restoring a happy, connected, and passionate love life.


Discover proven strategies to:

  • communicate so you both get your needs met.

  • manage conflict to benefit your relationship.

  • deepen the friendship, intimacy, and fun in your marriage.

  • recover the "heads over heels in love" feelings.

  • enjoy an awesome sex life.

  • be real partners in all areas of life and love.

After working with me, couples say things like:

-Dr. Ada helped us turn our relationship around.

-We know now how to deal with conflict without becoming mean.

-Now we can communicate well most of the time.

-Dr. Ada really cared about us and understood our needs.


Don’t look for a different relationship. Transform the one you have!


Programs & Retreats

Our Transformative Conversations Coaching Programs and Retreats will lead you to new ways of interacting, thinking, and behaving. The result will be a fresh connection and an extraordinary daily love life. You will find and keep the spark of passion and love!

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DIY Programs

From Bickering to Understanding: Effective Communication Strategies For Lovers A 6 weeks self-directed program for couples that want to have effective communication and get out of negativity. Includes videos, guides for dialogue, summaries, and more.

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couple’s coaching

Relationship coaching will help you stop bickering and transform the challenges you are experiencing into growth and intimacy. 

These programs will change the course of your marriage. Check them out!

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Couple’s retreat

Relationship Retreats are for couples who want to spend a concentrated time working on their relationships. Whether it be for focused help to address especially difficult situations, or more of an enrichment option, retreats offer several days of special interaction.


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My one-on-one Coaching Conversations high end signature program creates the structure and the support that gives you the space to explore what is really going on inside you and your relationship. It's totally individualized to your needs. It require a commitment to at least 6 months of coaching.

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Dr. Ada is a Licensed Mariage and Family Therapist and Clinical Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

For more information about what this means, go to the About Page.


Underneath all the issues, partners are asking each other: Can I count on you? Am I valued and accepted by you? Do you need me, rely on me? In difficult times, you need to invest in your most important relationship.

Your relationship deserves your attention!

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A Gift from Dr. Ada




You can start improving your relationship by receiving a gift from me: Basic Rules for Effective Communication. Ask for them right away!


Proven Results

“Dr. Ada was able to quickly detect what was wrong and then helped us find the best path going forward. The counseling met and surpassed our expectations and we felt very comfortable with her relaxed and informal style. We are now in a much better place as a family.”

— The Smiths

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what clients say

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Gracias por tantos consejos que usted nos diera años atrás. Fueron determinantes en nuestras vidas. 45+ años después, seguimos juntos mi esposo y yo, con mucho amor, comprensión, respeto, agradecimiento, etc.

Thanks for the counseling you gave us many years ago. It was determinant in our lives. 45+ years after, my husband and I are still together with much love, understanding, respect, thankfulness, etc.

–Isabel y Jorge

You can check some more of the comments that couples have made about our Relationship Coaching and Programs. To preserve the identity of the couples we will share only their first names.

A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself — to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.
— Leo Buscaglia
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