Does Your Relationship Needs Urgent Repair? You can save your relationship!

Relationships can be messy. Many couples get in a negative spiral that has taken them so deeply down that they have lost hope. If you are one of these people, keep reading. This post is especially for you.

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Ada Gonzalez Comment
Winter Morning Joy

The joy is in the experience

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Transition From Victim to Victor

Tips on how you can get out of victim mentality and return to joyful victory. Choose to empower yourself to be happy.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Love in Action

Love is not enough. It needs to be shown with actions. On this post you can gather some ideas about how to share your love in actions.

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Don't cry over spilled milk. Grab the camera!

Many times we let joy escape us and create a big drama for things that in perspective are not worth the high emotionality and negativity. Don’t let small things that go wrong rob you of joy.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Laugh Your Way to Joy

Laughter can cover a multitude of mistakes.  It can ease the pain of many failures and it can cut through a tense moment turning it from potential hurt and restoring a threatened relationship. Don’t take yourself too seriously.  Lighten up.  Relax.  As a couple, look for things to laugh about together and intentionally work to bring laughter into your home. Today I share some suggestions on how to laugh more.

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Ada GonzalezComment
Independence, Dependence, and Interdependence

Independence, Dependence, and Interdependence are three important words for couples to consider. As with everything else each of these words has an upside and a downside. Let's consider what each of these words mean for couples.

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Ada Gonzalez Comment
Hugs, Kisses, and More

Hugging and kissing someone you care about can ease stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure and even boost memory. It's good for the health of your body and relationship. Do more of it! 

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Ada GonzalezComment
8 Quick Tips to Keep Your Marriage Healthy for the Long-Term 

How do you make your marriage work? Do you just blindly hope for the best and think it will take care of itself?

When you are dating someone you’re attracted to, you have fun, great conversation and more than enough sexual chemistry. You don’t have to “work at” the date because it runs as smoothly as a well oiled machine, and you can’t wait for another ride!

But marriage, or any long term relationship; well that’s a whole other story. . .

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Ada GonzalezComment